From 1 July 2022, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) will be dissolved, and Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) will take over the responsibility for NHS functions and budgets. We will become part of NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB. You can continue to use this website to find the information you need, which remains relevant for the Hull area.

A-Z of corporate policies

Following approval at the ICB Board and Quality Committee in July 2022, please note all policy review dates were extended to March 2023.

The full suite of ICB policies will apply to new starters/those who started new roles with the ICB post June 30 2022.

For previous CCG staff who transferred into the ICB, their CCG contractual policies will continue to be applied to them under TUPE regulations. Click here  for a table which details whether the ICB or Place policy should be applied to these staff.

ICB policies are available here: Documents and Publications - Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB)

The below contains a list of all the CCG's approved corporate policies. As part of the forward programme, individual corporate policies are being reviewed and updated.

All policies have an associated EqIA. Where EqIAs are not shown as a separate link below they are embedded within the policy document. If you have any queries about a policy or an EqIA, please contact 01482 344700 or

Please note updated contact details for the Local Counter Fraud Specialist (LCFS) at - Audit Yorkshire, 01482 866800 email: or mobile 07872 988939.

If you need any of these documents in an alternative format please contact:

*Policies marked with an Asterix (*) are subject to review.

Acceptable Computer Use Policy

Alcohol and Substance Misuse

Allocation Financial Plan

Annual Leave Policy

Attendance Management Policy

Budget Upload Procedure

Code of Confidentiality

Commissioner Safeguarding Policy

Commissioning for Quality Strategy

Confidentiality Audit

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

COSHH Assessment Template

Data Protection by Design & by Default Procedure

Data Protection Impact Assessment Procedure

Dignity at Work Policy (incorporating Bullying and Harassment Policy)

Driving for Work Policy

Email Policy

Equality and Diversity Policy

Finance Guidelines

First Aid

Fixed Assets

Funding and Study Leave Support for CCAB Professional Accountancy Examinations

Grievance Policy

Guidelines for Booking Venues and Hospitality

Identification Badge Policy and Procedure for Employees

Information Asset Owners (IAO) and Information Asset Administrator (IAA)

Information Governance and Data Security User Handbook

Information Governance Framework and Strategy

Information Security and Equipment Policy

Internet Use Policy

IR35 Off Payroll Workers

IT Access Control*

Learning and Development Policy

Lease Car Policy

Lone Working Policy

Making Payments Using a Payment Request Form

Manual Handling

Maternity Paternity Adoption and Parental Leave Policy

Mobile Working and Guidelines

Other Leave Policy

Pay Advances

Pay Protection Policy

Payment of Supplier Invoices

Policies in Different Formats

Portable Appliance Testing Policy

Professional Registration Policy

Raising Debtor Requests

Receipts of Cash and Cheques and subsequent banking of income

Corporate Records Retention and Disposal Schedule

Records Management Code of Practice 2021

Redress Policy

Registration Authority

Reimbursement and Expenses Policy

Security Management Policy

Security and Transmission of Personal Confidential Data and Information (Safe Haven)

Smoke Free Policy

Starting Salaries and Reckonable Service Policy

Statutory and Mandatory Training Policy

Summary Guide of Declaring Interests and Offers and Acceptance of Gifts and Hospitality

The Barclays Purchasing Card - Card Holder Manual

Travel and Expenses Policy

Unacceptable Behaviour Statement

Workplace Leavers Checklist

HR36 Working Time Directive Policy

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