From 1 July 2022, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) will be dissolved, and Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) will take over the responsibility for NHS functions and budgets. We will become part of NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB. You can continue to use this website to find the information you need, which remains relevant for the Hull area.

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We know many people are eager to get vaccinated but some people may be a bit nervous about leaving the house and are unsure about what to expect when they come along to a vaccination session. We are sharing the story of Hull lady, Chris, who came to the KCOM Stadium on Saturday, 6 February for COVID vaccine which was delivered by Symphonie Primary Care Network.

It was a gloomy and rainy day, but no queuing outside the venue at all. Chris arrived along with her husband and she was met at the door by Sharon who invited her into the lobby for a quick temperature check and to have her hands sanitised. Once Chris had confirmed to Sharon that she had no COVID19 symptoms, she moved in through to the reception area where she was booked in by Amber and given a number.

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What to expect during COVID vaccination clinic at KCOM Stadium

No waiting required on Saturday, it was straight into the vaccination room but on some occasions, people may need to take a seat for a short while in the waiting area.  All seats are spaced out in a socially distanced way and thoroughly cleaned between each person.

This particular vaccination session was running out of four large rooms each with four or five vaccination stations spaced around the room. A friendly meeter and greeter took Chris down the corridor to the next available vaccination station where she was asked a few questions to confirm her identity. Chris was then given an explanation about the vaccination and what to expect along with a leaflet to take home with her.

Next, practice nurse, Kirsty checked which arm Chris wanted the vaccine delivered in and then she administered it into her upper arm.

As it was the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine Chris didn’t have to wait at all and was allowed to go home. If she had received the Pfizer Biontec vaccine, she would have been asked to sit down and wait for 15 minutes to be monitored for any allergic reaction.

So, in less than 15 minutes, Chris was on her way out again. “I can’t thank everyone enough,” she said. “So quick and easy and everyone was so friendly.”


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