Have you used GP Walk-in services in the last year? NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is inviting people to share their experiences and help improve the local service.
In Hull, our GP walk-in clinic is located at Wilberforce Medical Centre on Story Street. It is open from 8am-8pm every day and provides a full range of primary medical care services, without the need for an appointment.
The CCG has created a short survey and is encouraging people who’ve visited the service to have their say and share their thoughts. What made you choose to use the Story Street clinic?
Ideally the walk-in centre provides care for people who need immediate treatment and cannot wait for a standard appointment with their GP.
Alongside patient views and experience, the CCG is keen to find out why people visited the centre and what made them decide to do so. The information gathered through this engagement will be used to make decisions on how this service looks in the future.
Public engagement is running from 9 May to 9 June. To share your views you can complete the online survey (above) or pick up a printed survey directly from the Story St Walk-in Centre.