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Alcohol Awareness Week gets underway and the message to drinkers is to be aware of the risks a regular tipple can carry. Guidance around alcohol limits

Unique ID: FDN0083
Caption: Wine bottle. Wine being poured into large glass. Small glass. Alcohol.
Copyright: ©Crown Copyright

changed earlier this year, following research which showed regular drinking could be more damaging than previously thought. Safe limits have been adjusted to no more than 14 units of alcohol over the course of a week; the equivalent to six pints of beer or six 175ml glasses of wine.

Organisations in Hull are coming together from November 14-19 as part of the national action week organised by Alcohol Concern, to highlight safe drinking limits and encourage people to stick to them.  Each day of the week will focus on a different health risk associated with drinking too much.

Monday is alcohol and cancer, Tuesday alcohol and depression, Wednesday alcohol and dementia, Thursday alcohol and breast cancer, Friday alcohol and diabetes, Saturday alcohol and hypertension and Sunday alcohol and brain damage.

Organisations across the city are involved in activity throughout the week. Hull City Council, ReNew substance misuse services, Humberside Police, Hull Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), Hull Street Angels and Humberside Fire and Rescue are all working together to make people aware of the risks drinking carries.

Action during the week includes:

  • Free mocktails and lollies from a rickshaw on Saturday November 19, distributed by the Street Angels in Hull’s Old Town. People will be encouraged to look out for their friends and know the signs someone has drunk too much
  • Community fire safety checks in the Bransholme area by Humberside Fire and Rescue and Humberside Police, where information will be provided about the increased risk to fire safety when people are drunk
  • Social media campaign by all partners highlighting risks
  • Follow-up health events by ReNew Community in early December; older people and alcohol and a diversity event.

Cllr Gwen Lunn, Portfolio Holder for Public Health, Protection and Adult Social Care, said: “We don’t want to stop people having fun and enjoying a drink, but at the same time it’s vital that people are aware of the risks alcohol can carry. This isn’t just about targeting people who might binge drink or people who have a problem with alcohol, it’s about raising awareness among those people who maybe drink a couple of glasses every day.

“Alcohol is the leading risk factor for deaths among both men and women aged 15-49, which is a shocking statistic. Making small changes, such as increasing the number of alcohol-free days you have can really improve your health”.

Dr Dan Roper, chair of Hull clinical commissioning group (CCG), commented: “We recognise that alcohol is part of our social fabric and many people drink sensibly. However, we see a lot of people admitted in to hospital with serious and life threatening complications that are directly related to alcohol.

“Here in Hull as many as 1 in 5 people regularly drink enough to put themselves and their health at risk. We are seeing a huge rise in liver problems, particularly at a younger age, affecting both men and women. These complications often arise without much warning. Simple changes like reducing your alcohol intake will help you to stay healthy and well.”

For information on alcohol, including safe drinking limits and risks associated with alcohol consumption, visit:

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