From 1 July 2022, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) will be dissolved, and Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) will take over the responsibility for NHS functions and budgets. We will become part of NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB. You can continue to use this website to find the information you need, which remains relevant for the Hull area.

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As plummeting overnight temperatures hit the region, local residents are encouraged to take simple steps to protect their health.

Night-time temperatures are set to dip below zero and it is likely that we will see several days of frost, fog and cold weather before the end of February.

NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group and East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group are reminding local residents how to keep themselves and their family members healthy throughout this cold period.

Older relatives and neighbours may struggle in the cold weather; icy conditions can make getting out and about difficult, and the low temperatures can affect existing ailments, causing further complications.

Take a few minutes to help an older friend or family member. Simple support like making sure they are warm and that they have enough food and supplies can go a long way towards helping them stay healthy.

The cold may have a negative effect of your health and this can be worse for people living with existing medical conditions, such as Asthma and respiratory problems, diabetes and heart disease.

Wrap up warmly when you go out and try to keep your house heated to at least 18?C (65?F). Make sure you close windows overnight, as this helps to prevent colds, flu and more serious health problems like pneumonia.

Finally, if you do find yourself getting sick, please think carefully and choose the right healthcare for you.

Dr Dan Roper, chair of Hull CCG, advises: “Most coughs, colds and the flu cannot be cured by anti-biotics and will clear up on their own after 5-7 days. Save yourself a trip to the GP and visit your local pharmacist, who can help you to treat the symptoms. Drink plenty of fluids and rest.

“It’s worth remembering that A&E is very busy this time of year. If you’ve had a minor injury – like a cut, sprain, burn or similar – it’s best to visit a Minor Injury Unit, where expert medical staff can see you quickly and easily.”

Dr Gina Palumbo, Local GP and East Riding of Yorkshire CCG chair said: “If you are over 65 or have a long-term health condition, such as heart, lung or kidney disease you are more vulnerable to cold-related illness. As we head towards severe cold weather and icy conditions it is vital, you look after yourself in the right way. Keep your home warm at a minimum of 18C, wear enough clothes to stay warm and if possible use a hot water bottle or electric blanket (but not both at the same time) to keep warm while you're in bed. Keeping active around the home will also help to keep you warm and maintain your fitness levels”

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