From 1 July 2022, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) will be dissolved, and Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) will take over the responsibility for NHS functions and budgets. We will become part of NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB. You can continue to use this website to find the information you need, which remains relevant for the Hull area.

Our annual report

Each year the CCG publishes an annual report and its accounts for the previous financial year. Each report describes our activities during that time, our achievements and our challenges. You can also read details about our financial performance and how we are meeting our governance requirements.

Each year the annual accounts are subject to a rigorous audit process. We are delighted that for the last five years the CCG’s external auditors provided an unqualified audit opinion without issuing any recommendations.

We positively welcome feedback on your experience of local health services as well as your views about how best to shape local health care to meet local needs. Read about how you can get involved here and you can contact us here.

On behalf of the entire CCG board we would like to extend our sincere thanks to our council of members, our public sector and voluntary sector partners, our own CCG staff and NHS staff across Hull for their ongoing contribution towards creating a healthier city.

If you have any queries or would like to request it in another format please contact the Communications and Engagement team on 01482 344700.

Hull CCG Annual Report and Accounts 2021 - 2022

The 2021-22 Annual Report and Accounts for NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), gives an overview of the CCG’s progress and performance over the last year, as we continue to work with people and partners to create a healthier Hull.

In line with this, here is our Independent Reasonable Assurance Report on Mental Health Investment Standard and Statement of Compliance 2021/22.

Here is a copy of our Mental Health Investment Standard Review Letter for 2021/22 to read.

Key features of the annual report include:

  • A performance overview covering progress this year in all commissioning areas
  • Areas to report on under the NHS Act include the duty to involve which looks at our communications and engagement work, improving quality, reducing health inequalities and contributing to the delivery of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Hull.
  • Financial analysis and sustainability.
  • Remuneration information – expanded for this year around fair pay disclosure.
  • Equality, diversity and inclusion in our CCG workforce
  • Workforce engagement and wellbeing – including menopause work

In addition, here is a copy of our Auditor's Annual Report for year ended 31 March 22 and the accompanying certificate.

Hull CCG 2021/22 Annual Report

Our 2020-21 Annual Report and Accounts provides an overview of the CCG’s progress and performance over the last year, working with people and partners to create a healthier Hull. At the time of producing this report, NHS Hull CCG continued to play a key role in the local response to the pandemic, to support and co-ordinate health and social care services with partners across the system.

Updates on key CCG programmes include:

  • Cancer
  • Maternity, children and young people
  • Mental health
  • GP care
  • Working with people and communities
  • Public health
  • Nursing and quality

In addition, here is a copy of our Auditors Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2021 and the accompanying certificate.

Hull CCG 2020/21 Annual Report

Hull CCG Annual Report and Accounts 2019 - 2020

Our 2019-20 Annual Report and Accounts provides an overview of the CCG’s progress and performance over the last year, working with people and partners to create a healthier Hull. At the time of producing this report, NHS Hull CCG had a major role in the local response to the Coronavirus pandemic, to support and co-ordinate health and social care services with partners across the system.

Key updates are included on:

Other areas:

  • Detailed financial and performance analysis
  • Sustainability Report
  • Governance Statement
  • Remuneration and Staff reports
  • Annual Accounts

You can also view our Annual Audit Letter here.

Hull CCG 2019/20 Annual Report

Hull CCG 2019/20 Annual Report







Hull CCG Annual Report and Accounts 2018 - 2019

The CCG Annual Report highlights our key programmes of work, service transformation and performance during 2018-19 and explains how we are working – with our partners and the people of Hull – to improve health in our city.

In line with this, here is our Independent Reasonable Assurance Report on Mental Health Investment Standard and Statement of Compliance 2018/19.

Here is a copy of our Mental Health Investment Standard Review Letter for 2018/19 to read.

Key areas of the annual report:

  • Achieving an outstanding rating as a CCG for a second consecutive year, against strengthened assessment criteria and in a challenging year for the NHS.
  • The launch of the new Access Plus Service on 1 October 2018, offering additional routine GP and other health professional appointments for Hull patients for routine appointments over evenings, weekends and bank holidays.
  • Engagement with local residents, patients, clinicians and professionals to listen to their views and to contribute to decisions about health care services. Key involvement and engagement work in-year has included the eating disorder service, depression and anxiety services, homeless discharge service. Events have included Are you alright mate? in November 2018 and the Community Champions awards in January 2019.
  • Successful first year of operation for the Jean Bishop Integrated Care Centre:
    • 2100 patients and care home residents receiving an Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment
    • 29% reduction in emergency admissions for patients reviewed at the ICC (living in their own homes)
    • 24.3% reduction in emergency admissions in patients reviewed in the targeted care homes
    • 99% of patients extremely likely/likely to recommend the service
    • an average £110.17 saved per patient, per year, on drug costs.

Other areas of focus in the report are the future of GP services, continued work towards integrating commissioning with the City Council, promoting equality and diversity in the city, improvements in the safety and quality of local health care and performance on NHS standards.

Detailed performance analysis, commentary, tables and the Sustainability Report can be found from page 36 of the report.

Hull CCG 2018/19 Annual Report
Hull CCG 2018/19 Annual Report

Hull CCG Annual Report and Accounts 2017 - 2018

The CCG Annual Report highlights our key programmes of work, service transformation and
performance during 2017-18 and explains how we are working – with our partners and the people of Hull – to
improve health in our city.

Key areas:
• Our plans and priorities for Hull
• My city, my health, my care - future of GP services
• Five Year Forward View – Integrated commissioning for Hull
• Health, culture and legacy
• Building relationships with communities
• Delivering safe, high quality services
• Taking action on health inequalities and the local strategy for Health and Wellbeing

Detailed performance analysis, commentary, tables and the Sustainability Report can be found from page 36 of the report.

Hull CCG 2017/18 Annual Report
Hull CCG 2017/18 Annual Report

Hull CCG Annual Report and Accounts 2016 - 2017

The CCG has published its annual report for the 2016-17 financial year.

This years annual report highlights a year of working with people and partners across our city towards creating a healthier Hull. It also contains the annual accounts for the year 1 April 2016 – 31 March 2017.

The report contains an overview of CCG work programmes and performance during the last year. Some of the highlighted projects include:

As always, the CCG works to reduce inequalities while building relationships with our communities. It is our aim to commission safe, high quality care.

Hull CCG Annual Report 2016/17

Hull CCG Annual Report 2016/17

Hull CCG Annual Report and Accounts 2015 - 2016

Our Annual Report 2015-16 highlighted of a year of working with people and partners across our city to create a healthier Hull.

The Report contains an overview of CCG work programmes and performance including:

The CCG achieved all its statutory duties in terms of financial and cash management; operating within its revenue resource limit and achieving a surplus of £7.820m against the revenue resource limit of £389.174m as planned. The CCG spent £6.196m on the administration of the organisation in 2015-16; which represents an under-spend against the CCG’s Running Cost Allowance (RCA) of £6.516m.

Hull CCG Annual Report 2015/16

Hull CCG Annual Report 2015/16

Hull CCG Annual Report and Accounts 2014 - 2015

Our 2014-15 annual report focuses on our performance and work programmes during 2014-15. It describes how we involved local people and partners in our aspirations to create a healthier Hull.  It features a look back on highlights in healthcare for 2014-15 and looks to the future of local healthcare with transformational programmes like Hull 2020 and Better Care in Hull.

We are pleased to report that the CCG achieved all its statutory duties in terms of financial and cash management; operating within our revenue resource limit, achieving a surplus of £9.896m against the revenue resource limit of £380.084m as planned. The CCG spent £6.963m on the administration of the organisation in 2014-15; which represents an under-spend against the Running Cost Allowance (RCA) for the CCG of £7.521m.

Hull CCG Annual Report 2014/15

Hull CCG Annual Report 2014/15

Hull CCG Annual Report and Accounts 2013 - 2014 ‘A year of creating a healthier Hull’

Hull CCG is please to publish our 2013 - 14 Annual Report and Accounts: ‘A year of creating a healthier Hull’.

The CCG, established with the vision of Creating a Healthier Hull, has been continually inspired by the energy, enthusiasm and passion shown from CCG members, NHS staff, partners and the public over the past twelve months and celebrates this within the Annual Report.

This, the first Annual Report and Accounts for NHS Hull CCG aims to give a sense of the many foundations set over the past twelve months in order to deliver our vision.

Hull CCG Annual Report 2013/14

Hull CCG Annual Report 2013/14

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