From 1 July 2022, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) will be dissolved, and Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) will take over the responsibility for NHS functions and budgets. We will become part of NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB. You can continue to use this website to find the information you need, which remains relevant for the Hull area.

Corporate social responsibility

As an NHS organisation the CCG is responsible for a significant amount of public funds. We are committed to working in a way that has a positive effect on the local communities for which we commission and procure healthcare services.

The term corporate social responsibility is often interchangeable with terms such as sustainable development and corporate citizenship. Taken together they mean spending public money well, being smart and efficient in the use of natural resources and playing our part in building healthy, resilient communities. By making the most of social, environmental and economic assets we can improve health, both in the immediate term and long term even within the current context of the rising cost of natural resources.

We acknowledge this responsibility to our patients, local communities and the environment by working hard to minimise our environmental footprint.

As a part of the NHS, public health and social care system, it is our duty to contribute towards the level of ambition set in 2014 of reducing the carbon footprint by 34% (from a 1990 baseline). This equates to a 28% reduction from a 2013 baseline by 2020.

In order to embed sustainability within our business, it is important to explain where sustainability features in our process and procedures.

Area Is sustainability considered?
Travel Yes
Procurement (environmental) Yes
Procurement (social impact) Yes
Suppliers' impact Yes


In addition, we have developed and implemented a Sustainability Impact Assessment tool and guidance for use by staff to help identify the likely sustainability implications of either:

  • The introduction of a new policy, project, or function; or
  • The implementation of an existing policy, project, or function within the organisation.

Should adverse sustainability implications be identified, steps can be taken to adjust the proposed policy, project or function or amend the way in which it is currently implemented to ensure it is inclusive and does not discriminate (either deliberately or accidentally).

The CCG works with NHS Property Services (the organisation which the CCG leases the property where we house our headquarters from) to ensure we will comply with our obligations under the Climate Change Act 2008, including the Adaptation Reporting power, and the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012.

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