From 1 July 2022, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) will be dissolved, and Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) will take over the responsibility for NHS functions and budgets. We will become part of NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB. You can continue to use this website to find the information you need, which remains relevant for the Hull area.

Our procurement and contracts


NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is responsible for commissioning healthcare services that meet the needs of our population. In commissioning these services, NHS Hull CCG has a clear responsibility to:

  • Ensure we make decisions and commission services in a fair and open way
  • Ensure we are getting value for money
  • Meet the healthcare needs of our population.

NHS Hull CCG procures (obtains) services from a range of providers. Contracts vary from small one-off purchases to large service contracts. The form of procurement NHS Hull CCG uses is dependent on the nature of the services being procured ensuring compliance with the legislation and guidelines, to ensure when obtaining services the principles of equal, open and fair opportunity are met.

On this page you can find out more about the processes NHS Hull CCG will follow in procuring services and the procurements that are completed or planned.

Current contracts

All procurements issued by the CCG will be published on:

The link below provides information about contracts we have awarded. It includes:

  • the name of the provider awarded the contract
  • a description of the health care services to be provided under the contract
  • an indication of the financial value of the contract
  • the length of the contract
  • a description of the process adopted for selecting the provider(s)

Read the NHS Hull CCG Procurement Register

Contract Sanctions

In order to ensure greater transparency on the application of sanctions, the 2015-16 standard NHS Contract requires NHS Hull CCG to publish details of the sanctions due and actually applied to each of our major providers for failure to achieve national standards.

The reports detailed below indicate how the CCG has spent, or intends to spend, the funding withheld from providers through the application of sanctions.

Click here to download the report.

Notice of Appointment – External Audit Services

NHS Hull CCG has appointed Mazars LLP to provide external audit services in accordance with the requirements set out in the Local Audit Accountability Act 2014.  The appointment is  for the period from 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2020.

This appointment was made following a mini-competition undertaken for the North Yorkshire and Humber CCGs using the East of England NHS Collaborative Procurement Hub (EoECPH) Financial Services Framework as advertised in OJEU as 2014/S 125-222805.

At its meeting held on 15 November 2016, the CCG auditor panel considered the recommendation of an evaluation panel formed for the purpose of reviewing the responses to the mini-competition and following this consideration recommended appointment of Mazars LLP to the CCG Governing Body. The Governing Body subsequently approved this appointment at its meeting held on 25 November. 

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