From 1 July 2022, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) will be dissolved, and Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) will take over the responsibility for NHS functions and budgets. We will become part of NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB. You can continue to use this website to find the information you need, which remains relevant for the Hull area.

Hull Mental Health Support Teams


NHS Hull CCG and Hull City Council are working together to deliver two Mental Health Support Teams (MHST) who will provide early intervention mental health support for children and young people aged 5 – 18 within schools and colleges. The teams, provided by Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust, will be fully operational by Spring 2022 and will cover East, West and North Hull.

The MHSTs will work across education, health and care and, in collaboration with existing early intervention provision (e.g. HeadStart Hull), will provide consultation to support schools and colleges to identify and manage issues relating to mental health and wellbeing, as well as delivering high quality evidence based interventions for children, young people and families who experience mild and moderate needs, and requesting specialist support as necessary.

The Mental Health Support Teams will integrate into our already well established city wide Hull Thrive model and compliment the many excellent teams and services out there to further enhance the early help and intervention offer.

What will the Mental Health Support Teams look like?

Each MHST will consist of two Senior Practitioners and four Education Mental Health Practitioners (EMHPs).

There will also be professional/clinical leadership across both teams to support education settings.

Between March 2021 and March 2022 the EMHPs will attend the University of Sheffield to undertake specific training to the role which includes six modules:

  1. Children & Young People’s Mental Health: Context and Values
  2. Assessment and Engagement
  3. Evidence based interventions for common mental health issues
  4. Working, assessing and engaging in education settings
  5. Mild to Moderate Problems and Processes in education settings
  6. Interventions for emerging mental health difficulties in educations

As part of the EMHP training NHS Hull CCG and Hull City Council will be looking for eight education settings to host a placement. Further information will be sent out shortly on becoming a placement.

The MHST’s will have 3 functions:

  • Delivering evidence based interventions for mild to moderate mental health issues to Children, Young People and Families
  • In partnership with education settings and the HSH existing implementation, support settings Mental Health Leads to further develop and deliver their whole school approach and providing timely advice and support
  • Liaising with external specialist services to help children and young people get the right support and stay in education

Due to this being a test and learn pilot, each team will have a pupil population of 8,000 therefore education settings were asked to express and interest in the project and

The CCG is leading this project and will be working with education settings and stakeholders to co-design the service provision to ensure it meets local needs.


Why are Mental Health Support Teams important?

The Government’s response to the Consultation on Transforming Children and Young People’s Mental Health Provision: a Green Paper and Next Steps (2018) ensures areas that are successful in the Green Paper bid funding go further for children and young people who are showing early signs of distress, so that they are always able to access the right help, in the right setting, when they need it. The trailblazer areas will have MHSTs supporting children and young people, providing extra capacity for early intervention support within school and college settings.

Furthermore, the Government published the NHS Long-Term Plan (2019) which re-confirmed the commitments from the Green Paper which set out proposals to improve mental health support in schools and colleges. Over the next five years from 2019 NHS England and the Department for Education will fund new MHST’s working in schools and colleges, building on the support already available, which will be rolled out to between one-fifth and a quarter of the country by the end of 2023.

We know that early intervention can prevent problems escalating and have major societal benefits; therefore the Green Paper (2018) aims to put schools and colleges at the heart of efforts to intervene early and prevent problems escalating.

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