From 1 July 2022, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) will be dissolved, and Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) will take over the responsibility for NHS functions and budgets. We will become part of NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB. You can continue to use this website to find the information you need, which remains relevant for the Hull area.

Our Vision and Values

"Creating a Healthier Hull"

Our values

The CCG Board has developed the following values:

  • To listen – We will listen to all communities.
  • To value – We will value, respect and respond to all (contributions).
  • To challenge – We are ready to challenge and be challenged.
  • To innovate – We will strive for excellence.

In July 2015 our Board agreed to adopt a Behavioural Framework for the CCG. Adoption of the Framework will provide clarity as to the behaviours required within the CCG to support and encourage leadership at all levels of the organisation. You can view this here.

Our overall CCG strategic aims

  • To improve life expectancy and reduce health inequalities.
  • To work with partners to ensure services are integrated with those of the voluntary sector, community sector and the local authority in order to address the wider causes of poor health.
  • To commission health care that delivers quality outcomes that are focused on the need of the individual and that treats people with compassion and dignity and is delivered in the most appropriate setting.
  • To work with our partners to address the prevalence of smoking, obesity and substance misuse.
  • To reduce the variation in the quality of care.
  • To lead sustainable change to transform healthcare provision in Hull.

NHS Hull CCG will deliver its aims through achievement of the following objectives.

Principles on public involvement

NHS Hull CCG continues to meet its duty under section 14Z2 of the Health and Social Care Act and can demonstrate how the public voice is at the heart of everything we do and is truly embedded within the commissioning cycle. The CCG was rated ‘Good’ under the NHS England Assurance Rating Patient and Community Engagement (2016-17).

The CCG has a strong record of local engagement and partnership working and continues to build on its well established links with local communities, specialist interest groups, voluntary sector organisations, local businesses and our wider stakeholders and partners.  The introduction new robust equality impact assessment process further strengthens the engagement process and ensures that we identify and speak to the right people, at the right time and in an inclusive and accessible way.

The organisation reflects its commitment within two of its strategic aims for 2017-18, which specifically relate to public engagement and patient experience, namely:

  • Ensure that patient and public views contribute to the integrated commissioning process through a rolling programme of engagement
  • Local services respond to patient insight and experience to improve services

There are a number of established programmes and mechanisms that the CCG utilises as part of its ongoing approach to participation and engagement.

Our overall CCG objectives

2021/2022 Clinical Commissioning Group Strategic Objectives

Outcomes that will indicate success

1 - Influence at a system level the transition to ICS, as well as effective operating arrangements for the Hull Place and clinical leadership within Hull.

I) A revised operating model for planning and decision-making across ICS and Humber, with clearly defined delegated functions, roles and responsibilities.

II) System-wide 2021/22 financial framework developed and agreed.

III) We will have developed through collaboration  with other CCGs  and emerging provider collaboratives agreed accountability frameworks.

2 - Facilitate strategic Humber-wide planning and transformation, focusing on quality outcomes and patient experience as the catalysts for clinically-led change.

I) Formal establishment and functioning of in-year shadow ICS arrangements for strategic commissioning.

II) We will have contributed to the development of an integrated approach to quality improvement and assurance at both ICS and Humber-level.

III) We will have ensured that patient and public views have contribute to the integrated commissioning process through a rolling programme of engagement.

3 - Support the delivery of the priorities set out in the operational planning guidance, NHS Long Term Plan and the White Paper.

I) Completion of the commissioning transition in relation to functions and people to shadow Place arrangements.

II) Models for decision-making within Place developed.

III) Primary Care will be fully embedded  and a major strategic partner within place planning arrangements.

4 - Work in partnership with Hull City Council and others to implement a population driven approach to improving health outcomes and reduce health inequalities.

I) Delivery of Health & Wellbeing Board and Hull Place-based  Board Strategies.

II) Delivery of the Integrated Financial Plan.

III) Strategies and services to narrow the health inequality gap and co-create models of care based on improving safety,  patient experience and outcomes will have been developed as part of the CCGs work at the HWBB.

IV) We will have taken collective responsibility for delivering services within budgets and allocations.

5 - Maintain accountability for commissioning health services to meet the reasonable health needs of the people of Hull, but targeting in particular the most disadvantaged in local communities.

I) Achievement of NHS Constitutional targets.

II) Reduction in the growth in demand by commissioning for  integration and prevention.

III) We will have evidence that patient and public views have contributed to the planning and delivery of new services.

6 - Development of an agreed out of hospital strategy for Hull, supporting local Primary Care Networks to determine models for transition to integrated provision, as well as a new clinical leadership model which increases the  emphasis of primary care at all levels of the system.

I) Integrated and primary care led out of hospital model in operation.

II) The CCG will have facilitated the establishment of the Provider Collaborative.

III) The CCG will have worked with local partners and the ICS to develop a clear clinical leadership model.

IV) The CCG will have worked with local partners and the ICS to develop a clear accountability structure.

7 - Focus on care and services for children in Hull, improving performance against statutory responsibilities and achieve better outcomes as measured by experience and engagement.

I) Disadvantaged children in Hull, including those living in poverty, will have been supported through implementation of strategies to narrow the inequality gap.

II) Delivery of the SEND Accelerated Progress Plan to the satisfaction of the Department for Education.

III) Integrated plan to support delivery of high quality services to Looked After Children and children and young people in general.

8 - Delivery of the CCG’s statutory duties for 2021/22.

I) Approval of unqualified accounts.

II) Positive Value For Money assessment.

III) Substantial assurance from Head of Internal Audit Opinion Statement.

IV) Achievement of the requirements of Section 14Z2 of the Health and Social Care Act 2012.

9 - Maintain support for the effective local planning and response to the Coronavirus Pandemic, ensuring that positive innovations are retained, improved and generalised.

I) We will have delivered an effective ongoing CCG response to the coronavirus pandemic, including steps to maximise the safety of staff and the local population.

II) Support to the continuation of the vaccine roll-out programme will be timely, comprehensive, responsive and effective and deemed as such by provers and partners.

III) Patients at greatest clinical risk in secondary and community care environments are prioritised and supported by Hull CCG providing system support to the operational recovery programme of work.

Our mission statements:

  1. We will aspire to transform the health of our community.
  2. We will strive to commission high quality, safe and acceptable services.
  3. We will conduct ourselves with dignity, and show respect and tolerance to all members of our community.
  4. We will be transparent and democratic in our decision making.
  5. We will promote effective communication at all levels.
  6. We will engage with, and attempt to inspire, all stakeholders.
  7. We will be innovative in our approach and radical should situation demand.
  8. We will promote health education amongst professionals and the general public.
  9. We will endeavour to reduce health inequalities in Hull.
  10. We will be accountable for all decisions made and be open to scrutiny to demonstrate sound corporate governance.
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