From 1 July 2022, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) will be dissolved, and Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) will take over the responsibility for NHS functions and budgets. We will become part of NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB. You can continue to use this website to find the information you need, which remains relevant for the Hull area.

Commissioning for quality

The CCG has clear responsibilities in relation to commissioning for quality, informed by the NHS constitution (2011):

  • To ensure that services we commission are safe, effective, provide good patient experience and continuously improve
  • To secure health services that are provided in an integrated way, working in partnership with the Local Authority
  • To actively seek patient feedback on health services and engage with all sections of the population with the intention of improving services
  • As a membership organisation, working with NHS England, support primary medical and pharmacy services to deliver high quality primary care.

Our ambition is to continue to be an excellent performing CCG, commissioning services that ensure that the residents of Hull continue to receive high quality, safe health care, delivered in the right place by staff with appropriate skills.

On this page you will find each of our provider organisations’ Quality Accounts, these are annual reports about the quality of the services they provide. Quality Accounts not only look back over the previous 12 months, but also aim to look forward, detailing future plans for improving quality.

In each of the following Quality Accounts you will also find our statement of response, detailing how we monitor quality and how we plan to hold our providers to account.

The CCG has a number of Committees of Board that are accountable for specific areas of its work and report regularly to the Board.

Our Quality and Performance Committee is a Committee of the Board and takes responsibility for leadership on behalf of the Board for ensuring that there are mechanisms and reporting systems in place to advise the CCG Board of quality and performance management for contracted providers and that remedial action plans are developed and implemented when positive assurances are not received. The committee meets monthly and the minutes of the meeting are a standing agenda item of the Board.

This is our way of ensuring that we hold our provider organisations to account, monitor provider quality and performance, and receive the assurance we need that services in the city are of high quality, safe and delivered in the right place by staff with appropriate skills.

You can find our Quality and Performance Committee Board reports under each meeting date here.

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