From 1 July 2022, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) will be dissolved, and Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) will take over the responsibility for NHS functions and budgets. We will become part of NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB. You can continue to use this website to find the information you need, which remains relevant for the Hull area.

Integrated care centre consultation

Our  full public consultation to support the development of the new Jean Bishop Integrated Care Centre  took place in 2015-16. Our feedback report can be found here.

This page will tell you about how we gathered people’s thoughts about the Integrated Care Centre (ICC) and how we used those.

Why we consulted
We are working with our partners to develop 21st century community facilities to improve the current and future health of some of the city’s most vulnerable older residents.

We wanted to understand your thoughts and experiences of current services that support the elderly and people with long term conditions. We also asked about your views about the aims and ethos behind the Integrated Care Centre.

When we consulted
The consultation period ran from 26th January 2015 until 19th April 2015. We also carried out pre-consultation engagement.

What we did
We spoke with people across Hull about their own health condition, the services they access, their experiences of local health care and the kind of care and support they want to help them get back to independent living.

The information to support the consultation was set out in a 16 page consultation document which included a four page questionnaire. This was available in electronic and printed formats.

Who we spoke with
We spoke with the general public, service users and carers, local residents, elected representatives, and other stakeholders and partners.

Over 1700 people shared their thoughts. This included through a questionnaire, public meetings and focus group. It is estimated that information on the proposals were seen around 49,000 times either via local media, the CCG’s website or on social media. 15,000 consultation documents were distributed to GP practices, pharmacies and other healthcare premises as well as Customer Service Centres and other community venues across Hull. 9,000 flyers and 500 posters were also distributed.

Residents in the immediate area surrounding the proposed site were sent copies of the consultation document and were invited to attend four specific resident’s meetings to discuss the proposals and proposed traffic management plans.  We also held four public meetings with 15 focus groups, seven facilitated discussions with black and minority ethnic groups and three general awareness raising roadshows were held in local supermarkets and shopping centres.

Key stakeholders were identified and invited to give their views on the proposals and a number of briefing sessions have been held with clinicians and service providers.

The results
The majority of people who completed the questionnaire agreed with the proposals to develop an ICC as set out within the consultation document. Specifically they believe that:

  • People should spend as little time as possible in hospital (95.4% agree or strongly agree).
  • People should receive care as close to home as possible (96.9% agree or strongly agree).
  • People should be supported to live in their own home for as long as possible (97.9% agree or strongly agree).
  • People should receive care and support in the community to help avoid emergency hospital admissions (97.5% agree or strongly agree).
  • Public services should work more closely together (98% agree or strongly agree).
  • The proposed services and building described are a good idea (92.5% agree or strongly agree).

Attendees at the open public meetings and focus groups raised questions around the following key themes:

  • Transport, traffic and parking.
  • Referral processes.
  • Types of services provided.
  • Site selection and building aesthetics including concerns about traffic flows in the area, parking and construction issues.

How we used this information
The information gathered during the pre-consultation engagement and consultation phase has been used to shape the CCG’s final proposal for the development. During 2016  we had meetings with local residents and local elected members to feed back the elements of the building and services design that they had been able to influence.

More Information
Our new Integrated Care Centre will open in 2018. See here to read more.

Read our feedback report here

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