From 1 July 2022, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) will be dissolved, and Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) will take over the responsibility for NHS functions and budgets. We will become part of NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB. You can continue to use this website to find the information you need, which remains relevant for the Hull area.

Hull & Humber FareShare

Why has Hull & Humber FareShare joined Working Voices?

Fareshare has joined the working voice initiative to support, improve and raise the profile of mental health and physical wellbeing in the workplace.

Fareshare believes staff/Volunteer health and well-being is essential and Fareshare is truly committed to supporting our valued volunteers and staff’s emotional and physical wellbeing.

Partnering with working voices will allow Fareshare Hull and Humber to support staff and volunteers locally to feel supported in addressing health, activity, weight and mental health in equalities.

To have access to up-to-date information on health care provision locally.

Fareshare wants to empower staff and volunteers to take ownership of their own health by speaking out and letting their voices be heard through the working voice enterprise. Staff and volunteers will have access to free services provided by Hull CCG to improve health and wellbeing for all.


About Hull & Humber FareShare

Goodwin Development Trust operates FareShare Hull and Humber is the area’s regional branch of the UK’s largest food redistribution charity. We have 45 Volunteers and 7 employed staff. We save 407 tonnes of good surplus food from right across the food supply chain and redistribute it to 135 charities and community groups throughout the region.

These charities provide meals as part of their services to people in need – such as children’s breakfast clubs, day clubs for older people, domestic violence refuges, homeless shelters and drug and alcohol rehab units.

In 2018/19 we provided enough food for 904,871 meals (worth over £1,011,200 to the charity sector in savings), which helped to feed 13,696 people every week.

For more information about Hull & Humber FareShare click here.

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