From 1 July 2022, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) will be dissolved, and Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) will take over the responsibility for NHS functions and budgets. We will become part of NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB. You can continue to use this website to find the information you need, which remains relevant for the Hull area.

Our meetings

Hull Clinical Commissioning Group was replaced by the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership on 1 July 2022

For information about past meetings of the Hull Clinical Commissioning Group Board and Board papers please visit this page:

Other meetings

Hull Health and Wellbeing Board

This is a committee of Hull City Council and includes senior representatives from Hull CCG, the council, public health, adult social care, children’s services and Healthwatch. Board meetings are also attended by advisers who have specialist knowledge that can help members to carry out their duties. These include the Council Chief Executive, the Chief Officer of the Clinical Commissioning Group and a representative from the Hull Community Safety Partnership.

The group review local plans to make sure local need is being met in a joined up manner to make Hull resources go further. The board prepares the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) and Health and Wellbeing Strategy. Partners consult with the board on their strategies and plans.

Board meetings are open to the public, although certain items may need to be considered confidentially.

Visit the Hull City Council website for more information.

Standards and Codes of Conduct

Members of NHS Boards, Clinical Commissioning Group governing bodies and NHS Managers are expected to meet core standards of conduct.  NHS England publishes governance guidelines which Clinical Commissioning Groups can choose to adopt.  These are published here.

The Code of Conduct of NHS Managers can be found here.

NHS Staff and anyone who holds a position within the CCG (e.g. board members, committee members etc) must tell the CCG about any actual or potential conflicts of interest they have. A conflict of interest is anything which could be deemed or assumed to affect the decisions they make about the work of the CCG. The conflict of interest policy is here and you can see the register of interests for our staff and board members here.

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